The Complaints Procedure has been written in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code and Act 634/1992 Coll. Consumer Protection Act, as amended (hereinafter "Act") and applies to consumer goods (hereinafter "Goods") for which is the buyer able to exercise the right for liability for defects in warranty period (hereinafter "Claims").

The consumer is an individual who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale.

The seller is a company David Harrachov sport Ltd. Based in Mánesova 866/23 120 00 Praha 2 - Vinohrady, ID: 283 80 746, incorporated in the business register in Section C, insertion 137493, conducted by Municipal Court in Prague. The seller is a person who, in the process of concluding and fulfilling the contract acts within his/her commercial or other business. It is the entrepreneur who, directly or through other business supplies the buyer with products or services.

Customer in our online store is either consumer buyer or buyer who at the conclusion of the contract acts within his/her own business or other business activities.

Defects goods

The seller is liable for defects that occur in the form of contravention of the purchase agreement during warranty period after the buyer took over the thing (warranty).

Seller holds responsibility that there are not defects on the goods on receipt, the seller is liable to the consumer at the time of takeover that products have properties that both parties have agreed on, and with the absence of agreement, the products have properties that the seller or manufacturer described or buyer expected given the nature of the goods or advertising they carry out. The goods suite to the purpose for which the seller presented it or to which this kind of thing is usually used for. Products correspond to the quality or design to agree sample or template. If was the quality or design determined in accordance with the agreed sample or template, the product is the right quantity, measure or weight and meets the requirements of the legislation.

Liability for defects to the sold thing

If the thing does not conform with the purchase agreement on takeover by the buyer, the buyer has the right to demand that the seller put the thing into a condition corresponding to the purchase agreement free of charge and without undue delay, either by exchange of the thing or repair thereof, as the buyer so requires.

If this procedure is not possible, the buyer may demand an adequate discount from the price of the thing or may withdraw from the agreement.

This does not apply if, prior to taking over the thing, the buyer knew of the contravention with the purchase agreement or himself caused the contravention with the purchase agreement.

Warranty period

The warranty period is twenty-four months long. Warranty periods shall commence as of the moment when the thing is taken over by the buyer. For the Buyer, who is acting at the conclusion of the contract within their trade or other business, the warranty period is only 12 months.

The warranty period is extended by the period during which the goods were being repaired. In case of goods exchange, a new warranty period will begin.


The warranty does not relate to wear and tear of a thing caused by usual use. In the case of things sold for a lower price the warranty does not relate to the defects because of which the lower price was agreed The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract. The resignation is effective from the day after delivery of goods, i.e. from the day when you or your designated third party (other than the carrier) received the goods.

Dealing with complaints

Claims, including the removal of defects must be handled without undue delay and no later than 30 days from the date of lodging the claim, unless the seller and buyer agree on a longer period. After this period, the Buyer has the same rights as if it was a fundamental breach of contract.

The period for settlement of claims is suspended if the seller has not received all the documents necessary for the settlement of the claim (of goods, other documents, etc..). The seller is obliged to request additional documentation from the buyer in the shortest possible time. The warranty is suspended from that date until delivery of the required documents by the buyer.

In a situation where the buyer needs to send goods to the Seller or service center, Buyer in his own interest has to have the goods packed in an appropriate and adequately protecting packaging material to satisfying the demands of fragile goods transport including all accessories and shall mark the package with appropriate symbols.

After the settlement of a claim, the seller invites the buyer to take over the repaired goods.

In case of withdrawal from the contract or granting a discount on the purchase price, the Buyer is refunded appropriate payment by bank transfer or hand it in cash at the cash desk at the company or in any of their stores.

Other useful information concerning claims is also available on the website of the seller.

Final provisions

This Complaints Procedure shall take effect on 1 January 2014 Amendments to the claims procedure reserved.

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